Free SSL Certificates is offering an amazing community service by allowing people to generate & manage free SSL certificates for themselves! It’s real, it’s true and it works! This is a huge step forward for the internet and all other companies offering SSL certificates / claiming that they care about the security of the internet / internet …

Password Security

An interesting article in “The Register” about poor password security, and 3 helpful resources (at the very bottom of the piece) for improving yours! Worthwile reading for anyone who uses passwords, i.e. everyone!!! Regardless how “secret” you keep your password(s), if they are not complex enough they WILL be easily compromised. So please review the …

DNS Checker

Just thought I’d share: an excellent DNS checker I just found, for those of you who find that sort of thing as interesting / valuable as I do! 🙂

Email – RBL (Realtime Blackhole List(s))

If you manage your email services & you are experiencing a lot of undelivered / returned / “disappearing” outgoing email, although some outgoing messages get through, but incoming email is always delivered just fine, then it is highly likely that your outgoing email server (which may or may not be the same as your incoming …