Outlook 2010 Contact Field Move / Migrate

Switching mobile voice providers / approach / technology can be a bear. One problem I’ve experienced is when certain fields in “Contacts” are used preferentially to others on different handset platforms. That is to say one handset is putting additional numbers users add for a contact into a field that a different handset does not …

Email – RBL (Realtime Blackhole List(s))

If you manage your email services & you are experiencing a lot of undelivered / returned / “disappearing” outgoing email, although some outgoing messages get through, but incoming email is always delivered just fine, then it is highly likely that your outgoing email server (which may or may not be the same as your incoming …

Exchange 2003 Application Startup / Shutdown

Below are the commands to include in “Shutdown” & “Startup” batch files. These commands will fully shutdown / startup all Exchange 2003 services cleanly and in the correct order. These files are useful in a number of situations, particularly; 1. Pre server shutdown: Windows Server is not very good (OK, it’s terrible!) at managing these …

Exchange (2003) & Windows (2003) Full Recovery from “Cold” Backup

Having just successfully completed a “worst case” email data restore / recovery from Exchange 2003 backup, I feel it would be useful to pull all the sources of info I used to do this together into one concise guide, for anyone who ever needs to do likewise! Scenario: Total loss of Exchange 2003 email server. …